What Is Self-Care?
Self-care is a crucial part of stress management. Regardless of the reasons for your stress, practicing regular self-care will dramatically improve how "stressed" you feel and how effectively you deal with the sources of your stress. It can also combat the negative physical and mental health consequences of anxiety.
Everyone needs to spend some time focusing on self-care, but many people tend to put everyone else's needs ahead of their own.
Self-care can take up a little bit of time. But even the busiest person could build in five minutes a day to do some deep breathing or to call a friend. It is important that you show yourself that you are as important or more important than your other obligations.
Why Is It Important?
By now you have probably heard, many times, that self-care is important. However, most people do not practice it daily. Instead, they may participate in self-pampering or self-indulgence, but these are temporary fixes to chronic issues. It is essential to remember that unless you consciously put yourself first, you will continue down the path of stress and feeling overwhelmed.
It would be great if you had a clear plan to nurture yourself and support others. But unfortunately, many of us tend to fall into the automatic role of caregiver, nurturer, fixer and general super woman. This leads us to place others first, whether our children, friends, spouse, family members or jobs. It is not until we end up physically ill, tired, depressed, or frustrated that we take that moment to stop because we feel as if we have no choice.
Well, the choice is yours. You can believe you come first and not feel guilty about it. You can see yourself as important enough to refuel and reenergize to give what you have to offer to loved ones. Trust me; they will be thankful for it.
We all feed off each other's energy, so if you are moody, upset, or unhappy, those energies will have a domino effect on those around you. To change this dynamic, you must accept your significance within your family and yourself in this life. Self-care consistently improves overall health, makes one a better caregiver, and reduces stress.
Ideas for Self-Care
Here are a few self-care tips:
· Avoid comparing yourself with other people. You are you and that is enough.
· Plan in extra time around everything you do, so if something takes longer or goes wrong you don’t have any additional stress. If things go as planned then you will have some extra time to relax.
· Find time for some activity that refreshes your body and mind. Activities could be indoor or outdoor play.
· Always try to express your feelings. Never suppress them, suppressed emotions lead to all sorts of problems. Sharing your happiness or sadness with your close friends and other family is essential.
· Learn to say no. You only have so much time and energy, be sure to use it on things that truly matter to you and won’t deplete you, but instead reenergize you.
· Always remember everybody makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. So, it is OK to make mistakes as you learn from them.
· Find time for exercising, like walking, cycling, or even climbing the stairs. It helps to refresh your mind and body. In addition, exercise helps to change your mood.
· Always do the best you can in that moment - rather than living according to someone else’s expectations.
· Try to be a kind and compassionate person to yourself and others. Encourage others in their efforts, supporting each other and building a strong support system has numerous benefits.
· Laugh. Take every chance to laugh at yourself. Laughing is the best and cheapest medicine for good health.
· Cultivate a hobby in your life. Hobbies help to unleash and improve your creativity. It adds zest to your life.
· Find time to relax. Keeping your eyes closed and doing deep breathing while relaxing helps a lot.
· Create a supportive and loving environment in your home. Organize everything in its place, so you do not need to waste precious time and energy searching for them.
· Try to forgive others who have harmed you. Also, never forget to say sorry to others if you have hurt them.
· Always be grateful to others who have helped you. Take every chance to thank them for their help.
· Reading motivational and inspirational books or articles can boost your motivation and confidence.
Take time today and reconnect to the things that bring you joy, happiness, and fulfillment.
With Love and Gratitude,