March 7th
Full Moon in Virgo
The Virgo full moon is a time to take inspired action.
We can have big dreams but those big dreams require us to take inspired action. We can communicate with the universe and take practical steps on earth, finding a balance between the cosmic/spirit and the mundane tasks of daily life.
This is not a time to doubt yourself criticize yourself or second guess yourself. Trust that you are being inspired to take these actions and go for it. Accept and embrace you are good enough and let go of the worry. If you continue to worry you will attract more things to worry about.
The full moon in Virgo is an excellent time to declutter your life and your home.
Sort through what is serving you and releasing what is not.
A way of clearing out your personal energies is with salt baths and meditations and if you live in an area where you can do so, walking barefoot on the ground.
Using tea tree essential oil in a diffuser during your meditations can help you see things more clearly.
An affirmation for this time is: “I forgive myself for everything and I'm doing my best”
Every full moon is an opportunity to work on forgiving and releasing so we can move on.
Take some time to journal about who or what you need to forgive in your life.
We also need to release resistance to whatever has been holding us back.
Make a list of things not aligned with who you wish to be.
Take the pages that you have journaled about forgiveness, releasing, and the list of unaligned things and burn them on the full moon. ( safely )
Additional journaling ideas during the full moon:
Have you been underestimating yourself?
Do you believe you are enough?
What do you need to release and what actions are you going to take?
Happy Full Moon, With Love & Gratitude