Less stress more dopamine
When we feel stressed, our body produces chemicals like cortisol that are very harmful to our mind body, and spirit.
One way to combat this stress response is to help our bodies produce the feel-good hormone dopamine. Dopamine can cause us to feel the sensations of pleasure or reward.
So how can we boost our dopamine levels?
Get enough restful sleep. They used to say that every adult needed eight hours of sleep. But more recent studies have shown that different people have different ideal amounts of sleep. What's most important is that the sleep is restful sleep. The body does not get truly restful sleep when the sleep is induced by sleeping medication or alcohol. You may wish to investigate different ways to turn your bedroom into a sleep-friendly environment. And create a pre-sleep routine to help your body and mind shift into a deep restful state easily.
Listen to our favorite music. Science has proven that music increases happiness, promotes well-being, enhances learning, stimulates cognitive function, improves quality of life. So, turn up your favorite songs and enjoy all its benefits.
Movement, dancing, yoga, walking, and any form of exercise increase our dopamine levels.
Meditation, even just for short periods of time increases dopamine levels. It is believed that meditation increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to nourish and repair dopamine-producing neurons and helps to release dopamine-producing brain chemicals.
Sunlight, not only does it help produce vitamin D which is hugely important for our bodies and minds, also increases our dopamine levels. If you live in an area where the sun is not readily available you can try a sun lamp, which has been proven to be helpful for seasonal affective disorder as well.
Eating balanced meals. Having an adequate variety of proteins vitamins minerals helps our body produce and regulate dopamine.
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